3-Color Gradient Background

Paprika Xu

Designer / once led product design at Canva / now part of Common 而間, a small co-op with heart / growing a root in exile, tending gardens in Lutruwita / sensing threshold, whirls me in common spirals / remembering breath, a short talk of faith

Haiku 10

June 24, 2024  10:45pm
For G, who left
without poetry

Depth of an union
feasting on a fleeting light
return it in time

What i’m grateful for
a riddle of liquid fate
pour me what’s once yours

With some luck, i trust
a heart half-open, but grows
each line as I wrote

What audacity
measuring in an hourglass
what futures mightn’t hold

We yearn with ardor
in the presents of endings
become who we are