3-Color Gradient Background

Paprika Xu

Designer / once led product design at Canva / now part of Common 而間, a small co-op with heart / growing a root in exile, tending gardens in Lutruwita / sensing threshold, whirls me in common spirals / remembering breath, a short talk of faith

回忆模糊推演 A Bleary Elapse

Debut album of Mindexxx (Eating Music)

An Interpretation

with certain details, I feel
you really cast off the old
passed into the new
traveled in earnest
where dewdrops crumbled in the sky
you smiled in uncertainty
brainwaves quivered softly
dancing still
till a flash of deja vu
amorous piano notes spilled out
sternly, in the faraway place
I stood watching
on the park road              people kept on moving
until a moment of pivot / how do I traverse
all spaces with more spaces
in between
unreachable, tempting
on that day when cars came and went
sunbeams through the leaves, young and harsh
electric drill and dusts / bus station and me
scrambling crowd
pushing everything               out
this happiness in tumult
that came from a whisper
found in nowhere but the depth of a ghostly night
I must dive into the waterfall
a piece of danger in my history, my bleary elapse
in the fog's end
spent an hour facing my own eventual judgement
I've always curled up dry
and lived in humidity
frothing, bubbling up in steamy vapor
my fragrant body
inevitably entangled with water snakes
didn't know if we fought,
or embraced, nevertheless
in exhaustion
thought I was still standing
perhaps this explained the gradual silence
low buzz coming out of the weight of life
head to toe
passing me through
with no trace of tingles down my spine
and I fell
might it be on that precipice the light went on
such supposedly unbearable voltage
brought me peace
might I be dead? or dying
looking above adamantly
uncertain silence
I laid down
amongst the cracks of all calm facades
twirled the rumbling order
how long is now?
on this endless summer day
my memory rolled,
a bleary elapse

Original Text by Mindexxx
