3-Color Gradient Background

Paprika Xu

Designer / once led product design at Canva / now part of Common 而間, a small co-op with heart / growing a root in exile, tending gardens in Lutruwita / sensing threshold, whirls me in common spirals / remembering breath, a short talk of faith


Released Nov 4, 2022

爛桃 was a poem I wrote in 2021, as I was hunkering down during the second wave of lockdown in Sydney. Supposed to be a throwaway sentiment, common in those days where one faces either her walls or her pillows; yet somehow the image of an overripe peach stuck like an unbroken spell.

It occurred to me one evening as I was going through my music archives, that these songs, though each carries a somewhat different sound and tonal memory, they do however share the overarching fascination of poetic mode of production, including translations.

  1. keep moving 綺夢
  2. thirtieth 澀提
  3. unwritten 暗與

Both Keep Moving and Thirtieth were poems first, each exploring its own flavour of the freeing weight of introspection. The english title Unwritten was itself already a play on the original title it sampled from. The three of them together, their oddly sounding Chinese titles, alongside the strange spelling of 爛桃’s ping yin, all intertwined and constructed an obscure web of symbols and memories of which meanings require a process of decoding no simpler than a holographic transmission of the first hand experience. How lucky, we have music. It has always been the magic key.