3-Color Gradient Background

Paprika Xu

Designer / once led product design at Canva / now part of Common 而間, a small co-op with heart / growing a root in exile, tending gardens in Lutruwita / sensing threshold, whirls me in common spirals / remembering breath, a short talk of faith

Sun Sets at the Westernmost Edge

11 June 2024  12:04am
Why do I even want to rewrite the past
Turbulent time calls for extreme measures
Learning to love my questions
Is its own adventure

Your agates enclose a half written bitter
The same insignificance has a new look
If I’m honest — your little girl’s jealousy
Writes a better hook

For a moment, sky was all purple
King spoke a new language, nonverbal
Fate drew a semi circle
You drove, I held a vigil

Before I go
This love I can never repay
This affinity is infinite, and this you know
This new ink on my blue skin
Begins to glow