3-Color Gradient Background

Paprika Xu

Designer / once led product design at Canva / now part of Common 而間, a small co-op with heart / growing a root in exile, tending gardens in Lutruwita / sensing threshold, whirls me in common spirals / remembering breath, a short talk of faith

II Cups / IV Wands

Feb 5, 2024

If you’ve tried it yourself you’ll know
The difficulty of writing a happy poem
To start off with one cup
Neither empty nor full of this body of opalescent water
Supple and free flowing
through the valley of fire
Until one cup becomes two
So that my cup is now yours
And the stream turns into steam
Until life is given by one, and bore by another
What’s twisted was not plot but two gentle forces
entwined - yes
You may now say love
is in the air